☆ jjadestarr's profile

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☆ phoenix ☆

any/all prns
autism + adhd
minor (11/16/07)
prns page

* im not open about did system stuff on my main acc, i sometimes talk about it on my priv

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☆ jjadestarr's account

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☆ abt my twt

im mostly screaming into the void abt my interests (namely ace attorney n occasionally car seat headrest (mostly narumitsu))

main art priv

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☆ jjadestarr's interests

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☆ interests ☆

ace attorney, undertale, deltarune, csh, nymen, weatherday, vocaloid, nana, neutral milk hotel, lcd soundsystem, mlp, pjsk, homestuck, tomska, needy streamer overload, moral orel, bojack horseman + more

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☆ jjadestarr's byf + dni

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☆ byf ☆

- i spam/ramble + livetweet
- i use caps a lot
- i might have blood/gore in my art
- i make kms jokes (kys jokes w friends)
- dont vent to me w/o permission (hb)
- i rarely reclaim the f slur
- i hate on my favs a lot as a joke
- i make nsfw jokes on priv
- i use my pronoun hcs for some characters (namely mafuyu asahina, godot, apollo justice, klavier gavin)

☆ dni ☆

- basic dni
- proship/comship
- anti neos/xenos
- anti agere
- fujoshi/himedanshi
- fakeclaimer
- anti self dx
- endogenic "sys"
- hate furries
- supporter/neutral on any of the above ^^^
- under 13
- *shtwt/edtwt
- *active phoenix wright/miles edgeworth/narumitsu haters sorry.
- skyler @asokihelg.

☆ thin ice ☆

- *use she/her on mafuyu asahina

* current moots ok

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